Blink app garage door
Blink app garage door

  1. Blink app garage door manual#
  2. Blink app garage door full#
  3. Blink app garage door android#

It leaves a milky residue layer over everything. After it was complete, I did the water dunk test and it worked fine. I decided to first try it on a spare Nano I had laying around. Although Rustoleum does not recommend it be used on electronics, it seems many people have tried with success, so I decided to roll the dice. After doing some research I came across NeverWet. I also decided to take a gamble and try waterproofing the fingerprint scanner board. Many hours were spent on Tinkercad designing an enclosure that would shelter the unit from the elements while still providing ease of access. The fingerprint scanner is going to be mounted outside in the elements. Wires for the open/close, limit switches and remote LED monitors all run into the enclosure. These are used to feed status to the Open? LED’s in Blynk. The circuit is closed when a door is fully open and open when the door closes. I also added to limit switches to each door. These are connected to 2 relays in the controller and triggered by Blynk or the fingerprint scanner.

I pulled additional lines from each opener that are uses for the manual opener buttons already located in the garage. The project takes a number of features of the garage openers that are already in place.

  • Uses Arduino and IOT connected components to web-enable the hardware.
  • Includes Patented MeagerSecure password encryption.
  • blink app garage door

  • Remotely using the Blynk app on Android or iOS devices.
  • Fingerprint sensor mounted on the outside of the garage.
  • Simple buttons on the controller itself inside the garage (Allows the garage to be closed from inside without needing to enter a code).
  • Allow open / closing of either garage door by:.
  • iOS / Android Blynk App for notifications and remote control of doors.
  • LED that blinks inside the house (to alert us before we go to bed).
  • Monitors both garage doors identifies status via:.
  • During my daytime job I spend much of my time managing it, and, in my hobbies, loosing control of it! It’s my style, what can I say.Ī full write-up with quality pics and details can be found here.

    blink app garage door

    I also wanted to be able to remotely open/close the doors as well as do away with the keycode entry system I have, and instead use a fingerprint scanner to open/close the doors. I wanted to take it to the next step by getting notifications of door status both inside my house (blinking LED in the hallway I could check before bed time) and on my various smart devices (iOs/Android).

    blink app garage door

    Between loosing valuables and critters that make a mess of garbage, I finally decided it’s time to take a stance! I have an IP Cam mounted inside the garage and, for the past few years, have used it as a means to monitor valuables. I don’t really like that sinking feeling after waking up the next day to find the door was left open. I’ve got a lot of stuff in my garage, and having 3 kids (one of them being me!) with forgetful minds, the garage door is sometimes left open over night.

    Blink app garage door